I emailed my contact at Neje engineering and he said my directions were correct. He said to point you to this Wiki.
If you follow my instructions and try and clear your head of all the expert advice you've gotten so far and what you think might happen and just try my solution, you'll get the machine to work properly. It doesn't matter what anyone tells you, when you have a clear symptom and that symptom has a solution across all types of machines regardless of manufacturer, you should use it. The directions I gave you were symptom specific, not manufacturer or model, and if you follow them, you'll resolve the problem.
Here's an excerpt from the Neje Wiki:
I really can't spend any more time on this very simple problem. You asked for help with a problem, I gave you the solution, and I even went a step further and got an engineer involved at Neje to confirm my solution, and that's the best I can do.