Somebody STOP ME !!!!

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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by joejones »

SIX strong guys showed up as the crew to move these things. I thought I might try to do it myself. RIGHT! :lol:

One printer was over 400 pounds and the other was 1,200.pounds. The MODIX BIG METER needed to be carried up a flight of stairs! These guys handled both of them with no issues, and got them onto my trailer. Then I spent over an hour strapping them down for the ride home.

For perspective ... these printers are taller than me! I will unload them today ... with a friend stopping by to help!

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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by joejones »

Okay, THIS one is going in my house. Maybe the garage? :roll: Or next to my PC? :mrgreen:

$836.60 Total, plus gas and bridge tolls. :? Under $1,000.00 Total cost. Not too shabby!

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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by joejones »

:oops: Okay ... just one more 3d printer to add to the pile of do-nothings in my shop. I won the auction on a Makerbot Z18 printer with the lower cabinet stand. $836.60, all included. It is up in Indiana somewhere.

So I will run down to Tennessee tomorrow to get the plasma table, and then vote on Tuesday ... and if we still have a country on Wednesday, and I don't need to carry an AR15 and a case of 40-round magazines ... I will drive up to get the printer. At least this one is small(er) :lol: and will fit in my room next to my computer, so I believe it will be more apt to be put into service sooner.

So I have to ask those of you in the know ... with a printer in the home, will I have issues with melting plastic odors, etc.? Or is this printer really able to be run inside of a home without much concern? Evidently it ONLY uses "PLA," whatever that is. Always learning ....

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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by MonPaul »

Believe it or not, PLA is made from corn starch or sugar cane! I get a slight smell when 3d printing but nothing bad. I think if you buy filament from any reputable company their filament will be safe.
I have an Atomstack X7pro. and upgraded to an xTool F1 Ultra.
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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by joejones »

I drove up to Bowling Green today, to the FLEA LAND swap meet. It is a great indoor swap meet where you can spend time looking at all of the things you never knew you could not live without! :lol:

A man up there runs a business called UMAKERY, and he sells 3D printers (the smaller ones :mrgreen: ) and filament, mostly PLA and such, in assorted colors.

Being Christmas, and feeling good about life in general, I spent $300.00 on 13 rolls of filament to give me something more to play with, than the white PLA that I already had.

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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by KnightRid »

joejones wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 9:16 pm I drove up to Bowling Green today, to the FLEA LAND swap meet. It is a great indoor swap meet where you can spend time looking at all of the things you never knew you could not live without! :lol:

A man up there runs a business called UMAKERY, and he sells 3D printers (the smaller ones :mrgreen: ) and filament, mostly PLA and such, in assorted colors.

Being Christmas, and feeling good about life in general, I spent $300.00 on 13 rolls of filament to give me something more to play with, than the white PLA that I already had.


OUCH! here ya go

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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by joejones »

Wow! THANK YOU! I know that filament will be cheaper at places like Amazon online and such, and I have not even BEGUN to search for sources for filament yet. I am assuming that if I purchase 5Kg rolls or larger, the savings would be even greater. Quantity discounts, etc.

However, in this particular situation, the man at the FLEA LAND was very helpful and encouraging to me in getting me started, answering endless questions about how these things work and such, so I just felt that I would like to do something nice for him for Christmas. So I drove up there specifically to meet him again, and to buy a dozen rolls or so of assorted colors, etc., MAINLY to say "Thank you!" to him at Christmas time. I think he may have even sold a machine while I was there, as I told a father with three children in tow, "These machines and the software are EASY to learn, and they will give your kids something more educational to do than staring at their phones!" His eyes lit up and he began to look at price tags. :mrgreen:

I asked Mark, the uMakery guy if he had the more exotic filaments, like ULTEM, and the flexible rubber filaments, and the clear colored filaments for things like taillight lenses, the carbon fiber stuff, and more, etc. But he only had PLA, and a small assortment of PLA+, Carbon Fiber PLA and PETG, whatever those are. This is a learning curve for me, and no one EVER sources the cheapest material when starting out, right? :oops:

I may have (almost certainly have) overpaid for the filament I purchased, but it was mor about making his last weekend sale day worth the effort. I like to repay kindness when I can.

Bachelor's Rule of Culinary Criticism: Anything I don't have to shop for, prepare or clean up after, is DELICIOUS!

I must have been a dog in a previous life :lol:

Today, Christmas currency envelopes will arrive from Amazon. Every year, I fill envelopes with cash and give them to all of the employees of my regular dining haunts. As a bachelor who doesn't COOK, I'd guess that 98% of my meals are prepared by someone else. I may not even know or have met some of the employees at places like Zaxby's, and Chipotle, and Dairy Queen, etc., but I give every employee in the store an envelope to say "Thank You!" for preparing my food, and keeping the places clean, and the bathrooms clean, and taking out my trash, etc. Rather than tip after each purchase, I just tip everyone once per year at Christmas. The tradition began eight years ago with a $20 bill. This year, everyone is getting $30 each. There are 66 employees total. :o


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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by Lowteck »

There are some Filaments that are like cutting some materials. You really need to vent very well and if you smell, take caution!!! A Big example is ABS filament.
And did you know you can metal coat prints with Gold and Silver!
I do have a Geeetech A20T and a JG Maker Artist-D Pro IDEX 3D printers. Have an Atomstack A5 40W Pro+. Added the M100 laser module and love it. 8-) -- Added the IKIER 70W laser and it has unbelievable performance.
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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by zentenro2 »

I've been using Elegoo since they had some good deals recently. I got 10 1KG spools of high speed PLA for $10 each.
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Re: Somebody STOP ME !!!!

Post by joejones »

As I venture deeper into this new hobby, I see that it is apparently important to keep filament DRY, or have some way to DRY it just prior to use. I see sealed plastic bags, air suction pumps, etc. I do run two dehumidifiers in my home, so the air in my home is already fairly dry. :roll:

So BEFORE I spend a lot of money on things that don't work, what do YOU suggest?

I see these heated dryer appliances that allow the filament to be pulled from a reel inside of them, supposedly to HEAT and DRY the filament before it is immediately fed to the printer ... Do I need to "stock up" on large plastic bags, suction pumps, and filament dryers? Or do you just use ONE dryer and drop the filament into it just prior to printing, to allow it to be dried for ... two hours? More?

Does anyone make a single heated drier cabinet that can hold say ... 20 spools of filament? You know ... like how people store cigars in a humidor?

I do not have any 3D printers that use multiple filaments YET, but I will probably head in that direction soon. Should I look for a 4-spool drier? Amazon has an assortment, with a lot of Chinese names I know nothing about.

Still learning ...


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