Anyone with UV experience?

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Jr Member
Jr Member
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Anyone with UV experience?

Post by Gillman »

Wow.. I have been chomping at the bit, and pulled the trigger on a 5Watt air cooled UV Galvo. It was from a no-name on Aliexpress, and they delivered FAST!

It arrived with parts clanging around in the controller/power supply box so I had to do some repair work, but after some connection issues, I have been able to make it work ok with my copy of lightburn alongside the MOPA.

Aside from a few settings things that I THINK I have figured out, I was hoping to find some resources for settings for types of materials. So far, I have figured out some great settings for stainless, and some standard wood (which is really fast and nice), AND some switch-plate materials marking. I have also worked with some leather keyfobs, but seem to get better results with the MOPA, so..

Though wood is not too bad a material to use, BAMBOO is tough. I have been unable to get consistent dark marking because?? I just don't know. I have been able to get interesting results on it however, but not in a time efficient way. 3D slice settings on pictures embosses strangely well, and has ZERO darkness however.

Any thoughts or other ideas? I did find a settings page ( ), but not everything seems to work as is explained there. I will try to provide any lessons i pick up here. Any input or experience out there?
Hi my name is Jason. I am a realtor in Northern Michigan (Traverse City) I also sell some of the things I make. :)

I use a 130 watt OMTECH CO2,a 60watt Monport MOPA fiber, and a newly acquired 5w UV galvo.
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