7 thoughts on “Upgrading the 20W diode to the A40640!

  1. When you added this New laser, did you change the control board or just use the one that you had? I have the 5.5 watt that has a 3 wire connection and would like to know if I could use the same control board and 3 connector wire? Did you use the new power supply or use the one that came with your 5.5 watt laser. Any help or info would be appreciated. Thank-you, Ted Dodgin

  2. I just received the Neje A40640 kit. Your video is great! Your video does not show the whole wiring sequence however; it is just a jumble of wires. I assume the ORTUR 3 wire laser connection now goes into the adapter board and the new 4 wire length goes from the adapter board to the Neje laser head and the new power supply plugs replaces the stock ORTUR supply?
    Eventually, I would like to make a mounting board for the Neje adapter and shorten the 4 wire Neje lead to about 6 inches. I think the connectors are JST 2mm micros. Thanks again.

  3. I’d like to see a new video showing the full process of attaching the NEJE 40640 to the Ortur Laser Master 2 PRO. The wiring and mounting are both different from the non-PRO version.

  4. Rich, I upgrade my lm2 to the neji 15 watts. I used it for a couple of day and the mother board fryed. I ordered another board. At first there was an alarm that that went of got that figured out. But now the doesn’t home properly. It go the right bottom corner and shake like crazy. The console says “target buffer found
    Port failed to open – already in use?

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